Wednesday, 30 April 2014

What Is Website Design Development?

Website design development is a step move to launch a website and take it to the peak of popularity. This is done for designing a webpage, put it on the World Wide Web to get start and making it successfully by increasing its ranking and visibility. It not as easy as it seems at all. There are a lot of things which really matters in web design development as even a slightest mistake can destroy everything. That’s why it is strictly suggested that take a help of any professional in this regard.
Now, we are going to discuss that what activities can be involved in website design development. The major activities revolve in it are mostly done by IT experts.
1.      Domain Registration
This is the first and foremost activity done by the developer. For this purpose a domain name is bought for the webpage. The name is to be related to your business or product so that it will be useful for people to get an idea your specific business just seeing your domain name. Following are the some major characteristics related to a good domain name.
·         Uniqueness
·         Readable
·         Simple
·         Relevant

2.      Website Creation
Now the next step is to create and design the website. These two activities are the most important activities done at the initial stage. Technical knowledge and expertise are the requirements of these two. There is a net of different website templates to be selected from by the IT developers. You just have to select the one which is best to suit your business and product. Then the practically work starts on the selected template. The overall work done is finalized before adding content into it like theme, design and layout.
3.      Logo Design
Placing a logo on the website is the professional way to be look. In this manner the Logodesigners are paying their efforts by giving a unique and attractive logo for the business.
4.      Website Hosting
Officially a website gets to start after getting connected to the World Wide Web. There are many companies that offer web hosting services. You just have to consult any of these companies for launching your webpage on the internet.
Finally the remaining things are website maintenance, website upgrade and website Recovery alike. A good website design development service provider also offers recovery services to the business owners as server can be getting down due to several reasons. It leaves a very bad image about the company in the mind of the visitors if this problem remains down for a long time say a day or two.
If you are interested in taking website design development services then for your convenience we are presenting a company which is

Monday, 14 April 2014

Web Development Company in Islamabad

One’s of the best web development and web application and software Development Company in Islamabad is Marvelous technologies Islamabad. Webdevelopment is the broad term for the work of developing a website for the Internet. In which typical areas work is required such as client side coding server side coding and also used in it database technologies. For large organization and businesses development team can consist of hundreds of people. And small organization required only one or two persons Marvelous technologies have the trust of thousands of clients around the word. The main reason or success is our best services. And our success based on the standardized services. We have the experienced software developers with good knowledge of programming languages and methodologies such as ASP.NET, c#,, JavaScript, jquery, and Ajax SQL Cs’s. And marvelous technologies have certifications of IPHONE DEVELOPER PROGRAMME GOOGLE Apps and certified through ISO 9001. Marveloustechnologies offering different types of services such as web design web development mobile application development software development offshore it consulting these all services are useful and using in all over the word. Our guidelines those are given to clients are perfect and important. And we provide the complete range of web development services as custom web development, E-Business solutions, and content management systems, web Application development "Etc”. On other side in mobile application development we are providing services of application maintenance services, custom application development, enterprise mobility solutions. Our software development services are trust able and result oriented. And our all products are developed on the fully user requirements. Therefore our software development products and other services we provide are totally fulfilling the requirements of clients. In Islamabad marvelous technologies service of offshore it consulting service is provided on affordable rates and other also. Marvelous technologies win the trust of different companies and clients and made their web development projects some of the names are given Kate travels and tours international, Hassan travels, webxell technologies, Recycling system, south field cab express. Therefore the marvelous group has a great portfolio in the word of web development. Marvelous technologies have the part of marvelous communication. You easily find the marvelous technologies at AL-BABAR CENTER, F-8 MARKAZ, ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN from Monday to Friday 9pm-7pm. You also "contact" on this phone no 051-2818105. And send email us easily our email is, 
on our website directly there a form given kindly visit this link for other information (

Thursday, 10 April 2014

How Find a Company for Quality Website Development in Islamabad

It is obvious that when you are in search of hiring a web development company to run the functionality behind your website, you will definitely be looking for a company that is able to offer design work.  In the busiest environment of Islamabad regarding Business and web development point of view it is very difficult for how find a Company for Quality Website Development in Islamabad especially when you want to design a functional website. Remember that when you ask for a website development in Islamabad, unfortunately no one can offer you a quality work so beware in finding a company for quality website development in Islamabad. The reason of it is the work that developers does is mostly behind the sight of the website.
The requirements which you want to set for your website such as the navigation and shopping carts or payment option etc. you require for when you hiring a web development company. Moreover, when you are searching for a website development in Islamabad with respect to coding and ensure its functionality, you would like the same company to offer you the web design solution as well. It would be prefer that you got web designing and development needs at one place. In this respect you have to concern about the best possible website development in Islamabad at the best possible price.
Well! Your first step at this stage would be doing your research. Ask people you know whether they have had some knowledge of web development and what they thought of the company they ultimate decided to hire. DO internet research as hard as possible and notice the posted reviews. It will not only help you and give you an idea of the better web development companies in Islamabad but also give you an indication of which company you should avoid.
The second step would be of visiting the websites of those companies that are in your list. Check out the client’s testimonials and portfolios of their previous work. Remember! An extensive portfolio is also a sign of good quality and work.
Finally, It is a time of contact the selected web development company either by calling them or by their contact form on their website. 
Thus, these are some points for How Find a Company for Quality Website Development inIslamabad. Research is the key point in all of these if the web development in Islamabad failed all of these criteria than you should go with your research.